Urgent Alert: Total Disaster in Jeff City!

Dear Gun Owner,

Things are absolutely unraveling in Jefferson City, and gun owners need to take immediate action to stop House Republican leaders from advancing gun control!

It’s been less than a week since the KC shooting.

While details may never come out since the thugs were juveniles, this seems to be a gang situation, not a coordinated attack.

The Democrats, of course, are doing everything they can to use this to crush pro-gun bills in Jeff City. And thanks to the weakness of Speaker Dean Plocher and Majority Leader Jon Patterson, they are winning!

Early Friday, Patterson announced he was blocking all pro-gun legislation from advancing in response to this shooting.

But now, things have gotten much worse!

Over the weekend, Jon Patterson told the press that legislators in Jeff City should, “of course look at public policies that allowed the shooting to happen; that includes guns.”

This is the Republican House leader, openly telling Missouri that he’s open to moving gun control! This arrogant fool even implies that gun rights ‘allowed’ this to happen!

I’ve been working the phones all day…and I’m hearing that Patterson could be pushing some form of ‘Red Flag Gun Seizures’ at any moment! Given what we’ve seen in the news, I believe it.

Dean Plocher and especially Jon Patterson need to hear from you immediately, before this gets any worse.

House Majority Floor Leader Jon Patterson
>>> Call his office at: 573-751-0907
>>> Text him at: 816-872-5577
>>> Send message via Facebook

Speaker of the House Dean Plocher
>>> Call his office at: 573-751-1544
>>> Text him at: 314-308-9733
>>> Send message via Facebook

Your message for both of these politicians is the same: if you even blink when it comes to my gun rights, you’ll be held accountable the next time you’re on the ballot!

Remember, Plocher is running for Lt. Governor and can’t afford to anger gun owners, and Patterson may be Speaker of the House for the next two years before possibly running statewide.

After you’ve made your calls, please donate to MOFC!

Our digital team is cranking out digital ads that we’re hoping to have seen by HUNDREDS OF THOUANDS of gun owners by weeks end.

Our texting team is sending out text alerts in Patterson’s district, but also statewide.

We need your help to fire for effect and shut this attack on our gun rights down before it gets off the ground! So please make a donation to help us fight!


Please make sure that every gun owner you know is aware of what’s going on in Jefferson City!

Urge them to make calls and get involved in this fight!

For Missouri,

Aaron Dorr
Political Director
Missouri Firearms Coalition