READ IT: Our Supreme Court Amicus Brief Filed!

Thanks to so many supporters like you, MOFC was able to file our Amicus Brief with the United States Supreme Court before the deadline, urging them to take up the Illinois AR-15 ban case! As you know, there is a lot riding on this.

12 states have now banned the sale of AR-15s and hundreds of similar firearms…more will follow their lead.

This is not constitutional.

And it’s not what was laid out in the Bruen case in 2022.

Illinois enacted this ban last year. The challenge to that law is now being brought before the United States Supreme Court! The question is, will they agree to hear this case?

There are plenty of leftist-funded organizations asking them not to. But this time, thanks to MOFC members, we’re able to fight back and tell the Court why they should take this case up!


(A copy of MOFC’s Amicus Brief with the Supreme Court, asking them to weigh in on the constitutionality of AR-15 bans!)

I wanted to write to you today for three specific reasons:

First, on behalf of the board of directors, I wanted to thank you for your support which enabled us to file this Amicus Brief!

Engaging a top flight law firm out of Washington D.C. to handle this cost us tens of thousands of dollars. Thank you for making this possible.

Second, I wanted to make sure you knew that we did what we said we were going to do, by filing this brief for you.

There are plenty of groups asking Missourians for money to fight in court, that never do anything with that money. That’s not MOFC.

Third, to let you know what is going to come next, and to ask for your continued support. There are only two possible outcomes here.

SCOTUS could choose to ignore this case. We need four justices to agree to take up the case. That should be easy, but it’s never easy especially when so many groups are urging them to ignore it.

But if they take up the case, we’ll be facing perhaps the most important Supreme Court battle of our lifetime where the Second Amendment is concerned…and we need to be ready!

If SCOTUS holds that AR-15 bans are unconstitutional, Biden can’t pass one in Congress and the states that have already enacted them will be forced to repeal them!


When the Supreme Court heard the Bruen case in 2021, over EIGHTY Amicus Briefs were filed in the case. But if SCOTUS hears this case, that number will explode.

MOFC needs to be able to engage our lawyers again, to make sure that we can file an Amicus Brief on the merits of the case!

So if you were unable to donate to help us file this cert petition with the Supreme Court, or if you can help us prepare to file the Amicus Brief on the merits of this case, hit the box below.

And again, thank you to everyone who helped us file our cert petition in time! We’ll let you know if SCOTUS takes this case!

For Missouri,

Aaron Dorr
Political Director
Missouri Firearms Coalition