Gun Owners in Missouri: Don’t Get Left Behind!

The August 6th primary is right around the corner.

The outcome of this primary will go a long way in determining whether or not Missouri resumes its role as a leader in the fight for gun rights, or if the RINOs continue to gain ground in Jefferson City.

The Missouri Firearms Coalition has spent months preparing to give our members and other gun owners detailed breakdowns on hundreds of races across the state!

From the Gubernatorial Primary, to the Secretary of State race, the race for Attorney General, Congressional races, and hundreds of Legislative races – – we have details that you will want to see!

Beginning early next week, MOFC will be releasing these videos on all of our social media platforms and through our email program. We don’t want you to be left behind!

Please take a moment today to make sure you are following us on our preferred social media platforms!

Follow Us On Twitter!

Follow Us On Youtube!

Follow Us On Facebook!

Follow Us On Rumble!

Honestly, in light of the changes made to Twitter, this is rapidly becoming our preferred platform for getting information out to gun owners.

Again, the primary is coming up fast and there is a lot on the line.

Check out our social media platforms for information, and keep an eye on your inbox beginning Monday!

For Missouri,

Aaron Dorr
Political Director
Missouri Firearms Coalition