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Help Us Enhance Missouri’s Stand-Your-Ground Law!

Missouri code presumes that if gun owners use a firearm in a self-defense situation, we’re guilty. That means that instead of the state needing to prove our guilt, gun owners need to prove our innocence. That gives all of the power to the state! 20 states have fixed this, Missouri hasn’t.

In addition, we can’t use Stand-Your-Ground law until after we’ve been convicted! In most states, it can be invoked during a pre-trial immunity hearing.

Clearly Missouri’s self-defense laws need an overhaul.

Thankfully, legislation has been filed to fix this.

Get involved! Please send your PRE-WRITTEN EMAIL to the politicians in Jeff City so that your State Senator and State Representative know you want them to cosponsor, publicly support, and vote for this critical legislation!

Once you’ve done that, take the next step and become a member of the Missouri Firearms Coalition so that we can keep fighting for you in Jeff City and in D.C.! You can get involved at!