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Vote ‘YES’ on SB-23 and SB-74!

Whereas: Senate Bill 23 would pass an updated version of Missouri’s Second Amendment Preservation Act which we need here in Missouri before Trump leaves office; and

Whereas: Senate Bill 23 instructs Missouri cops to enforce Missouri law when it comes to firearms, ammunition, and accessories (so the federal government can’t use them); and

Whereas: Senate Bill 23 contains civil penalties that allow gun owners to sue agencies that willfully and knowingly violate this law in civil court for damages; and

Whereas: Senate Bill 23 removed the preamble section of Missouri’s previous law, which is what the court didn’t like about SAPA and passed through the Transportation Committee 5-2.

Therefore: As my Senator, please VOTE YES on Senate Bill 23 and NO on any weakening aments when this bill comes up for a vote!

Whereas: Jackson County has passed a local gun control ordinance that makes it a crime to possess a handgun or ammunition under the age of 21, in direct violation of Missouri’s preemption law that states only the General Assembly can regulate firearms or ammunition; and

Whereas: Senate Bill 74 updates our preemption law by installing civil penalties into the law that allow gun owners whose rights are violated to sue the agency in question for $50,000; and

Whereas: Senate Bill 74 clarifies that only the General Assembly can regulate open carry, which is currently left to the cities and counties; and

Whereas: Senate Bill 74 has already been heard in the Transportation Committee and was met with no opposition from Democrats or Republicans.

Therefore: As my Senator, please VOTE YES on Senate Bill 74 and NO on any weakening amendments when this bill comes up for a vote!

Once you’ve done that, take the next step and become a member of the Missouri Firearms Coalition so that we can keep fighting for you in Jeff City and in D.C.! You can get involved at!