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Whereas: The Radical Left has filed dozens of gun control bills in the first week of session, bills that would destroy the Second Amendment here in Missouri; and

Whereas: SJR-49/HJR-28 would repeal protections for the Second Amendment in the Missouri State Constitution, repealing Constitutional Carry and Stand-Your-Ground in the process; and

Whereas: HB-261 would ban the private sale of ammunition in Missouri, requiring, instead, that we have a permit from the Secretary of State to sell ammo; and

Whereas: SB-346 would ban the sale and possession of ‘high capacity’ magazines and AR-15s, along with any similar rifle, including the ones that we already own; and

Whereas: Gun owners in many states have been betrayed by ‘pro-gun majorities’ over the years.

Therefore: As your constituent, I insist that you VOTE NO on the bills above. The Missouri Firearms Coalition will keep me informed on your votes.

Once you’ve done that, take the next step and become a member of the Missouri Firearms Coalition so that we can keep fighting for you in Jeff City and in D.C.! You can get involved at!