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Help Fix MO’s Pre-Emption Law!

Because Missouri’s pre-emption law has no penalty section, blue cities/counties are violating the law and passing their own gun control regulations. In Jackson County, it’s now ‘illegal’ for anyone under 21 to own a firearm or ammunition in most cases! 

Thankfully, Senator Hudson and Representative Durnell have filed legislation for us to fix this by putting civil penalties into our pre-emption law.

Their legislation (SB-74/HB-726) also strips away these cities’ ability to regulate open carry. They’ve abused this for far too long.

Now we need to get co-sponsors for this bill, fast!

Help us do that. Sign your petition urging your Senator and Representative to co-sponsor this legislation so that House and Senate leaders know this is a priority!  

Once you’ve done that, take the next step and become a member of the Missouri Firearms Coalition so that we can keep fighting for you in Jeff City and in D.C.! You can get involved at!