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It’s Time to Repeal the National Firearms Act!

The National Firearms Act is the most dangerous gun control law in American history. That’s because it can be expanded at any time by the President through Executive Orders that bypass Congress and declare gun control by executive fiat!

That’s how Biden ‘banned’ pistol braces.

It’s also how Biden redefined firearms dealers to all but ban private party sales.

Now that we have complete control in Congress, and President Trump in the White House, it’s time to repeal the NFA once and for all. Otherwise, the next Democratic President will simply sign new Executive Orders attacking our gun rights and attach them to the NFA.

Please immediately sign your OFFICIAL Repeal the NFA PETITION so that your Congressman (and Senators Hawley and Schmitt) know that you want them to cosponsor and vote for this legislation (H.R. 335)! 

Once you’ve done that, take the next step and become a member of the Missouri Firearms Coalition so that we can keep fighting for you in Jeff City and in D.C.! You can get involved at!