MOFC’s Second Amendment Preservation Act (SB-23) has cleared the committee process in the House and Senate and has been added to the Senate debate calendar meaning it could be voted on at any moment!
But there are harmful amendments being pushed in Jeff City that would kill SAPA by:
>>> Removing the mandatory civil penalties, leaving it up to the liberal judge’s discretion, effectively leaving SAPA impotent.
>>> Allowing the Feds to use MO cops to enforce federal gun control laws as long as they are paid by the feds as part of an ATF taskforce.
>>> Only applying SAPA to federal gun control laws, rules, and orders passed after August of 2025. This is arbitrary, and it will get SAPA struck down in court.
>>> Making departments who willfully violate SAPA immune from civil penalties. Without penalties, STL and KC and other cities will trample all over SAPA.
>>> Creating massive carveouts to SAPA that allow liberal departments to order Missouri cops to enforce federal gun control laws under the guise of ‘reasonable suspicion!’
This is a clear effort by the gun control lobby to kill SAPA and allow the next Democrat President to use Missouri cops to enforce federal (unconstitutional) gun control laws!
We need to defeat this amendment and reinstate Missouri’s SAPA law while Trump is in the White House because we won’t have to worry about a DOJ lawsuit with Trump in the White House!
Send this PRE-WRITTEN EMAIL to your State Senator urging him or her to oppose any harmful amendments to SB-23, and to VOTE YES on the bill!