For several months now, gun owners have been on high alert, and doing everything they can to shut down Joe Biden’s war on gun owners — flooding Congress with calls, emails, and petitions against gun control! Dianne Feinstein’s ‘Assault Weapon’s Ban’ is a major...
Two days ago, the Wyoming Senate Judiciary considered and then voted to advance our sister organization’s Second Amendment Preservation Act by a unanimous vote of 5-0! Michael Bloomberg’s lobbyists tried to kill it, the National Shooting Sports lobbyist tried to kill...
Thirty-five members of the United States Senate want to hit you with felony charges and put you in prison for up to a decade for ‘crimes’ like buying an AR-15 or any magazine that holds over ten rounds of ammo. In fact, when Dianne Feinstein rolled out her ‘Assault...
Nancy Pelosi’s H.R. 8 was filed, heard in a sham committee, and passed out of the House of Representatives in just over a week. Honestly, it was always going to be a tough battle to defeat this legislation in the House. But with the bill now landing in the Senate, gun...
Thanks to your non-stop calls and emails, the Second Amendment Preservation Act was just referred to the Senate General Laws Committee for a hearing and, hopefully, a vote! As you may remember, the Second Amendment Preservation Act (H.B. 85) has already passed the...