The radical gun control crowd in Congress and the State House hates gun owners like you and me with a passion, and they would love nothing more than to force you and me into prison cells and throw away the key! Sound a little farfetched? Don’t think it’s really that...
It’s open season on gun owners in America! As we learned from his press release last weekend, Joe Biden is 100% committed to banning the possession of the AR-15 and hundreds of similar rifles in America, as well as the magazines that are needed to run them. But he’s...
In South Dakota, multiple bills dealing with limiting the Executive Branch’s power to curtail gun rights during a disaster have cleared committee and are headed to the floor for a vote! In Wyoming, the Senate Majority Leader is vowing immediate action on legislation...
Our gun rights are facing more threats that at any time since President Obama made his big push for the Manchin-Toomey gun control bill in April of 2013. The Missouri Firearms Coalition has put out over 35 legislative alerts since the day that Congress certified the...
In 2015, New Jersey resident Carol Browne was being stalked by a violent ex-boyfriend, Michael Eitel, and she told the authorities that she was in fear for her life. But due to the disgusting gun laws in New Jersey, Browne had to get permission from the state to be...