This is breaking news from Congress… Joe Biden has two primary goals when it comes to gun control for this Congress: ban our AR-15s and register every gun owner in America through bogus ‘Universal Background Checks.’ Of the two of these, registering gun owners...
Great news! Senate Bill 10, the Missouri Firearms Coalition’s legislation to ban ‘Red Flag Gun Seizures’ here in Missouri, is scheduled to be heard in the General Laws Committee on Wednesday morning! As a reminder, ‘Red Flag’ laws allow someone to claim that you’re...
After a two-year battle to save our gun rights from the relentless attacks of Joe Biden and the Radical Left, gun owners across America were hoping for a ‘Red Wave’ on Election Night. In fact, many of us expected it. I know I did. But as we all know, that’s not what...
After a two-year battle to save our gun rights from the relentless attacks of Joe Biden and the Radical Left, gun owners across America were hoping for a ‘Red Wave’ on Election Night. In fact, many of us expected it. I know I did. But as we all know, that’s not what...
Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at the Missouri Firearms Coalition! It’s been a heck of a year for gun owners in Missouri and across the country. We held the line against most of Biden’s gun control agenda, flipped the House earlier this month, defended SAPA, and...