If you thought that Joe Biden was no longer a threat — that his disastrous handling of Afghanistan would make him take a step back and question his sanity — I have some bad news for you. Joe Biden’s State Department just returned from a trip to Europe...
Joe Biden and the national gun-control machine thought they could defeat the Second Amendment Preservation Act in Jeff City last session, but they failed. The Department of Injustice thought their muscle-flexing memo to Governor Parson could convince him to veto SAPA...
Missouri’s Second Amendment Preservation Act (SAPA) has survived the legal challenge brought against it by St. Louis in Jackson County, after a ruling from a Cole County Circuit Judge! Thank you to all of the MOFC members who funded the legal work that the Missouri...
Since the beginning of our fight to pass the Second Amendment Preservation Act into law in Jeff City, we said that this law was the ONLY THING standing between gun owners and Joe Biden. By ordering Missouri cops to enforce Missouri laws when it comes to firearms,...
The legal fight over the Second Amendment Preservation Act is underway in Cole County, and the Missouri Firearms Coalition is fighting with everything we’ve got! Still furious that they were unable to stop us in the legislature, St. Louis and Jackson Counties are...