Three Types of Police Encounters to be Aware Of…

Three Types of Police Encounters to be Aware Of…

Our recent videos about the weaponization of law enforcement by the Biden Crime Family and what to do if the ATF knocks on your door to examine your guns have generated a lot of questions. And let me tell you, you guys have asked great questions! What is the...

Hey can we chat?

!! EXCLUSIVE CONGRESSIONAL UPDATE FOR MOFC MEMBERS !! Dear Christy — Congress is on summer break right now, but they will be gaveling back in very soon. And that means we have some tough choices to make over the next few weeks. Let me explain. House Republicans...
The ATF Director Said What?

The ATF Director Said What?

Did you hear what ATF Director Steve Dettelbach admitted at a recent committee hearing? You’ll be shocked by what you see and hear in this 45 second clip! The head of the agency that wants to terrorize law abiding gun owners can’t even define what guns they want...
Vote In Our Presidential Poll!

Vote In Our Presidential Poll!

Vote in MOFC’s Official Second Amendment Presidential Poll! CLICK HERE TO CAST YOUR VOTE!  For Missouri, Aaron Dorr Political Director Missouri Firearms Coalition SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL FOR THE LATEST 2A NEWS!
Video: Do These 5 Things If the ATF Knocks On Your Door!

Video: Do These 5 Things If the ATF Knocks On Your Door!

By now many of you have seen the video of ATF agents — in conjunction with local law enforcement — knocking on gun owners’ doors asking to examine their firearms.  This has not been a one-time occurrence. Under the control of the Biden Crime Family, the...