After an Obama-appointed Leftist District Court Judge said that Missouri’s SAPA law was unconstitutional — much to the delight of Joe Biden — WE ARE ABOUT TO GET OUR DAY IN COURT! As we have said since the day Judge Wimes gave his opinion on SAPA, that...
Earlier today, our national affiliate — the American Firearms Association — put out a critical alert regarding the fight for gun rights in D.C.! Almost a dozen members in Congress are LEADING THE FIGHT to block the ATF’s pistol brace ban… ...
No one is surprised when AOC co-sponsors a gun control bill. The young Democrats in D.C. these days are truly demented, hell-bent on disarming gun owners and destroying America. So when fifty Democrats signed on H.R. 715 in its early days, that wasn’t a surprise. But...
The Missouri Firearms Coalition will be dragging Joe Biden into court as soon as we can — and I hope you’ll help us do it! Thanks to non-stop grassroots pressure from gun owners like you, almost every single gun control bill Biden has pushed in Congress has been...
As Americans pause today and remember United States service members who have died in combat theaters around the world over the last 247 years, it’s important to remember how this started. In 1774 the rebellion against English tyranny was hitting full steam in the...