The 2023 legislative session is over here in Jeff City, and it was a very busy one where our gun rights are concerned. Between working to expand our gun rights with two major bills and fighting to block the RINOs and the Radical Left who were desperate to pass gun...
Like any human being with a moral compass, gun owners recoil in horror and disgust every time a violent murderer carries out a shooting that leaves innocent people dead or wounded. And it’s happened a lot lately. Allen, TX. Atlanta, GA. Louisville, KY. Nashville, TN....
Support for the Stand-Your-Ground law filed by Congressman Matt Gaetz and Senator Markwayne Mullins (H.R. 3142/S. 1445) is growing in Congress! In just the last few days, pro-gun champions like Missouri’s own Eric Burlison, Paul Gosar (R-AZ), Andy Biggs (R-AZ), Mary...
I don’t know about you, but I’m sick of this. Every time some criminal shoots up a school or office complex, Biden and his team use the blood of innocent victims to ramp up the pressure for their gun control agenda. The Left should apologize for removing God from our...
Three days ago, California Senator Dianne Feinstein returned to Capitol Hill (pictured below) after being at home for the past three months dealing with a medical situation. This means that Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer now have the crucial 51st vote they need to push...