Happy Easter from the Missouri Firearms Coalition! We hope you get a chance to celebrate this marvelous day with your family, friends, and your church. Easter is a Christian holiday where we celebrate the triumph of Christ over sin and death and remember His...
Things are going from bad to worse here in Jefferson City. Recently I told you that in addition to fighting to defend SAPA in the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals, MOFC is working to BAN ‘Red Flag Gun Seizures’ here in Missouri with S.B. 10/H.B. 712. Passing this...
In the last few days, Joe Biden’s ‘assault weapons ban’ has picked up a flurry of additional cosponsors. In fact, H.R. 698 now has an astounding 204 members supporting it! If they get to 218, Biden can ram the bill through the House. While Congressional Democrats are...
It’s been just over a week since an Obama-appointed liberal judge in Kansas City said that Missouri’s Second Amendment Preservation Act is unconstitutional. Of course, this opinion is as flawed as it was expected. Not only has a ‘stay’ been issued in this case which...
While MOFC is working to defend SAPA, ban ‘Red Flag’ laws, and expand Stand-Your-Ground law, the gun rights battle is raging in Congress, too. Biden’s allies are filing gun control bills left and right, trying to ban AR-15s, register gun owners, and much more. But...