Just over a month ago, the Senate General Laws Committee heard testimony on SB-10, MOFC-backed legislation that would ban ‘Red Flag Gun Seizures’ here in Missouri! To date, the committee has refused to vote on the bill. But our sources in Jefferson City have told us...
House Bill 712, the Missouri Firearms Coalition’s legislation to ban ‘Red Flag Gun Seizures’ here in Missouri, is scheduled to be heard in the Emerging Issues Committee tomorrow morning! As a reminder, ‘Red Flag’ laws allow someone to claim that you’re dangerous and...
By now you’ve likely heard the news. Federal District Court Judge Brian Wimes — an Obama appointed leftist from Kansas City — has issued an opinion saying that Missouri’s Second Amendment Preservation Act is unconstitutional. Joe Biden, Merrick Garland,...
For years, we’ve been asked about Congressman Jason Smith. Smith holds himself out as a conservative. He tweets about the Second Amendment regularly. He surely talks like a Second Amendment fighter when he’s home in Missouri. But what has he actually DONE? It’s a fair...
As we told you last week, despite Joe Biden attacking the Second Amendment every other day, Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy is doing nothing about it. McCarthy is refusing to put a gun bill on the floor for a vote. He won’t even send a pro-gun bill to committee...