Cape Girardeau: Tell John Voss to STOP Attacking SAPA Law!

Cape Girardeau: Tell John Voss to STOP Attacking SAPA Law!

The Missouri Firearms Coalition has been working around the clock for over a month surveying legislative, Congressional, and US Senate candidates across the state. We asked them the same question: with the Second Amendment under non-stop attack, what will you do to...
Who Will Fight for Gun Owners in St. Charles County (SD-10?)

Who Will Fight for Gun Owners in St. Charles County (SD-10?)

The Missouri Firearms Coalition has been working around the clock for over a month surveying legislative, Congressional, and US Senate candidates across the state. We asked them the same question: with the Second Amendment under non-stop attack, what will you do to...
Vote Likely on ‘Assault Weapons Ban’ This Week!

Vote Likely on ‘Assault Weapons Ban’ This Week!

As we told you days ago, Joe Biden’s so called ‘Assault Weapons Ban’ has passed through the House Judiciary Committee. And now we’re hearing this bill may be voted on in the House THIS WEEK! This bill would make felons of countless Missourians who own a 30-round...
Gun Owners Need to Know the Truth About Eric Greitens

Gun Owners Need to Know the Truth About Eric Greitens

Roy Blunt betrayed gun owners in an unforgettable way last month, standing alongside Chuck Schumer and Dianne Feinstein when he supported Joe Biden’s gun control agenda. It’s a stinging reminder that politicians lie to gun owners. And that’s doubly true at election...
Video Clips: Congressmen Fighting Against the Assault Weapons Ban!

Video Clips: Congressmen Fighting Against the Assault Weapons Ban!

For weeks now, we’ve been giving you information on the fight to stop Biden’s gun control agenda in Washington, D.C. and the backstabbing RINOs who have been aiding Joe Biden. It’s true that without the support of Republican sellouts, Nancy Pelosi wouldn’t have a...