Justin Brown: A Gun Rights Fraud (Must Watch!)

Justin Brown: A Gun Rights Fraud (Must Watch!)

The Missouri Firearms Coalition has been working around the clock for over a month surveying legislative, Congressional, and US Senate candidates across the state. We asked them the same question: with the Second Amendment under non-stop attack, what will you do to...
Communist China Wants You to Submit to the Small Arms Treaty!

Communist China Wants You to Submit to the Small Arms Treaty!

Joe Biden is in love with the UN Small Arms Treaty. With his boy David Chipman getting blown out of the water as the possible director for ATF, Biden is looking for any win he can manufacture to please the gun grabbers who elected him. And adding America as a...
Second Amendment Preservation Act Spreading!

Second Amendment Preservation Act Spreading!

Joe Biden will be the most anti-gun President that America has ever seen. Honestly, that has less to do with Joe Biden and more to do with the people that surround him. Snarling, snapping, America-hating leftists like Vice President Kamala Harris, Beto O’Rourke,...
200 More Agents to Enforce Gun Control!

200 More Agents to Enforce Gun Control!

Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi are going to do everything they can to pass a national ‘Red Flag Gun Seizure’ law this year, similar to what leftists in Jeff City want to do right here in Missouri. As you know, these laws would allow a liberal judge to confiscate your guns...
SAPA Hearing in the House TODAY!

SAPA Hearing in the House TODAY!

I’m sorry for the last minute notice, but we’ve just learned that House Bill 85 — the Second Amendment Preservation Act — will have a hearing in the General Laws Committee today at 12:30pm! Last week’s hearing was on the Senate companion bill to SAPA...