Dear Madelyn — The hottest issue in Missouri politics this year — including gun politics — is Initiative Petition Reform (IP Reform.) The initiative process is how the Left plans to bypass the General Assembly here in Jeff City and destroy our gun...
Dear Gun Owner — Citing a ‘judicial scheduling conflict,’ the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals has just removed SAPA from the docket for this Friday — which means we will not be in court this weekend! I know that a lot of gun owners were interested in...
Dear Friend — Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey is leading the defense of the Second Amendment Preservation Act for Missouri in court. Bailey is also fighting for Lake City Ammo company in Independence, MO, as the Biden White House harasses them. And...
Dear Madelyn — Missouri has always been a leader in the fight for gun rights. We were an early Constitutional Carry state. And we were the first state to pass Stand-Your-Ground law after it stalled in the wake of the George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin shooting. But...
Friend, We have a major development to report regarding SAPA law! As you know, we always said that Biden’s Department of Injustice would fight to overturn Missouri’s Second Amendment Preservation Act (SAPA) in court. They have no choice. Afterall, SAPA law has crushed...