Dear Gun Owner, Right before Christmas, I warned you about a massive new gun control bill filed in both chambers of Congress. Called the ‘Gun Control Mega Bill’ by insiders in D.C., this is perhaps the biggest gun control bill ever filed in Congress. The lead sponsor...
Dear Friend — The 2024 session of the Missouri General Assembly has just kicked off, and this is shaping up to be a MASSIVE YEAR for gun owners. From defending SAPA in Federal Court and Jeff City, to stopping Biden’s national AR-15 ban, to blocking ‘Red Flag’...
Dear Friend — It’s go time in the fight for freedom! The 2024 legislative session kicked off here in Jefferson City this morning, and with it, our fight to defend and expand the Second Amendment is going into high gear! Gun owners have accomplished a lot over...
Dear Gun Owner, Your 2023 membership in the Missouri Firearms Coalition will expire tomorrow! If you’ve already renewed your membership in our fight for the Second Amendment for 2024, you can safely ignore the rest of this email. But if you’ve not yet renewed, please...
Dear Fellow Patriot, When gun owners like you and me think about gun control, images of Joe Biden, Obama or even Dianne Feinstein come to mind. In other words, a lot of gun owners tend to think of gun-control as a federal issue, and that way of thinking isn’t totally...