Missouri: The 2024 Legislative Session is Underway!

Missouri: The 2024 Legislative Session is Underway!

Dear Friend — It’s go time in the fight for freedom! The 2024 legislative session kicked off here in Jefferson City this morning, and with it, our fight to defend and expand the Second Amendment is going into high gear! Gun owners have accomplished a lot over...
It ends tomorrow

It ends tomorrow

Dear Gun Owner, Your 2023 membership in the Missouri Firearms Coalition will expire tomorrow! If you’ve already renewed your membership in our fight for the Second Amendment for 2024, you can safely ignore the rest of this email. But if you’ve not yet renewed, please...
URGENT: Assault Weapons Ban Vote Coming This Week!

URGENT: Assault Weapons Ban Vote Coming This Week!

Dear Friend — This is an urgent alert — please don’t lay this aside! Late last night NY Senator Chuck Schumer announced he is bringing S. 25 (the ‘assault weapons ban’) to the Senate floor for a roll call vote THIS WEEK! But the ‘assault weapons’ ban isn’t...
Maine: How Should Gun Owners React?

Maine: How Should Gun Owners React?

I’ve spent most of the morning and early afternoon talking with reporters, legislators, and MOFC members about the shooting that took place in Maine last night. Any rational human being would be disgusted by what happened, instinctively recoiling in horror, and filled...
Breaking: SCOTUS Issues Statement on Missouri’s SAPA Law!

Breaking: SCOTUS Issues Statement on Missouri’s SAPA Law!

Moments ago, the United States Supreme Court issued a statement saying that they would not agree to allow the Second Amendment Preservation Act (SAPA) to remain in effect pending the outcome of litigation against it. Here’s a quick recap. Earlier this year, Judge...
Video Report: Shot Four Times, and He Just Walked Away!

Video Report: Shot Four Times, and He Just Walked Away!

Some people have difficult neighbors. But some people have neighbors who drag them into gunfights. In this video, we look at two men in rural Indiana who got involved in a gunfight over a property dispute. We break down what happened, who we think is responsible, and...