If you thought that Joe Biden’s plummeting poll numbers meant that he has given up on trying to attack your gun rights — that his team was calling it quits — I have some bad news for you. Joe Biden’s State Department just returned from a trip to Europe...
The day that Missouri enacted the Second Amendment Preservation Act last year, the order went out from the White House to the Department of InJustice to get SAPA overturned NO MATTER WHAT! Joe Biden’s handlers know that if Missouri’s SAPA law stands, not only will...
Moments ago, the Senate Judiciary Committee began what is expected to be four days of hearings on Ketanji Jackson’s nomination to the Supreme Court. Make no mistake, if confirmed, Ketanji Jackson would be the most America-hating leftist to ever sit on the Supreme...
When I attended the bill signing ceremony for SAPA legislation on behalf of the members of the Missouri Firearms Coalition last year, I knew that Joe Biden and his handlers would hate it. And I knew that Biden’s ghouls wouldn’t be able to let it go. If Missouri’s...
Ketanji Jackson, Joe Biden’s pick to replace Stephen Breyer on the United State Supreme Court, will begin four days of confirmation hearings before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Monday! In case you missed our previous email updates on Jackson, let me remind you...
Gun owners have been pounding on Missouri’s Congressional delegation for several months to oppose the horrific Violence Against Women Act (VAWA,) which was stacked with gun control provisions. Feeling the heat from gun owners, Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer were afraid...