MOFC’s Congressional sources tell us that Nancy Pelosi may be preparing to advance H.R. 8 — the national gun owner registration bill that we’ve been warning you about — as early as next week! This bill will make the private party transfers of firearms...
We’ve just got the word that the House Rules Committee will be holding hearings on Joe Biden’s ‘National Gun Registration’ bill — H.R. 8 — this coming Monday! This is the legislation that would CRIMINALIZE the private sale of firearms and make felons out...
We have a total gun control EMERGENCY on our hands and we need your help NOW! Only moments ago, the Biden White House and Nancy Pelosi launched a massive attack on our Second Amendment and what is shaping up to be THE major gun control push of 2021! H.R. 8, introduced...
The radical gun control crowd in Congress and the State House hates gun owners like you and me with a passion, and they would love nothing more than to force you and me into prison cells and throw away the key! Sound a little farfetched? Don’t think it’s really that...
It’s open season on gun owners in America! As we learned from his press release last weekend, Joe Biden is 100% committed to banning the possession of the AR-15 and hundreds of similar rifles in America, as well as the magazines that are needed to run them. But he’s...
I’ll give her credit; Nancy Pelosi isn’t wasting any time. Two days before Congress ratified the results of the 2020 elections and six days before Joe Biden was sworn in as President, Pelosi’s trusted allies in Congress were already filing the worst gun control bill...