Renew Your Support in the 2nd Amendment in 2017!

Renew Your Support in the 2nd Amendment in 2017!

You know what happened nationally. The political A-bomb set off by the American people on November 8 is still being felt all over the country . . . The elitist, sneering national press we saw in the lead up to the November election is no longer even trying to hide...
St. Louis Moves On All Semi-Autos!

St. Louis Moves On All Semi-Autos!

It’s worse that we thought. Last week, I warned you about a proposed ban on AR-15’s in St. Louis, being pushed by notoriously anti-gun Alderwoman Lyda Krewson. Now that the bill (BB195) has been published, we know a lot more about Krewson’s radical plans for your...
Man shoots 2 armed men who tried to rob him at ATM, police say

Man shoots 2 armed men who tried to rob him at ATM, police say

Pittsburgh – When a 42-year-old man went to get money from an ATM in a late night withdrawal, he brought his concealed pistol along for the trip. During his transaction, this gun owner was accosted by two armed thugs who attempted a robbery. According to the police,...
Man, 82, shoots and kills home intruder at 1:30am

Man, 82, shoots and kills home intruder at 1:30am

UNIONTOWN, Pa. —An 82-year old man used a gun that’s been on his nightstand for 30 years to shoot a burglar in Uniontown early Friday morning.Uniontown police say the home invasion happened at 1:30 a.m., in the 100 block of Lenox Street. Police will not disclose the...
The City of St. Louis is Trying to Ban AR-15’s Tonight!

The City of St. Louis is Trying to Ban AR-15’s Tonight!

Some people never learn. Despite our pre-emption law that clearly denies them the ability to pass local gun control proposals, the City of St. Louis will be hearing a gun-control proposal at their Board of Alderman meeting tonight! That’s why I hope you can take a...