😡 This is Why the Left Hates AG Andrew Bailey!

Over the last few years, the fight to defend the Second Amendment in federal court has become front and center, and gun owners have a stack of victories to show for it. No one has played a bigger role in this legal battle here in Missouri than Attorney General Andrew...

🚨 Video Report: John Simmons and Kyle Marquart on the 2A!

“Who the heck do I vote for in the August 6th primary?” Man alive, we are asked this question every 15 minutes in our office this time of year. And the fact is, we can’t tell you. As a 501(c)4 non-for profit, the Missouri Firearms Coalition...

🚨 Attention Gun Owners in Taney County!

“Who the heck do I vote for in the August 6th primary?” Man alive, we are asked this question every 15 minutes in our office this time of year. And the fact is, we can’t tell you. As a 501(c)4 non-for profit, the Missouri Firearms Coalition...