As you read this email, the United Nations is holding a secret meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, plotting to disarm the American people through their UN Small Arms Treaty! While the official list of delegates won’t be released until after this week-long session is over,...
Two days ago, the Missouri State Supreme Court handed down a ruling on the DOJ’s attempt to overturn our Second Amendment Preservation Act (SAPA) before it spreads across the country. The Supreme Court denied the Biden Administration’s request to reverse Missouri’s...
Yesterday, Joe Biden’s Executive Order requiring serial numbers on upper receivers, redefining what a firearm is, and redefining what a gunsmith is, was published on the Federal Registry. This was the ‘Final Order’ and it takes effect on August 24. As you may...
Joe Biden’s political impotence at passing gun control in the Senate means that the only way he can repay his debt to Michael Bloomberg for installing him in the White House is via Executive Orders — orders that will be enforced by the ATF. And that’s why Biden...
This is ugly. We’ve been warning you for a long time that the UN Small Arms Treaty would give the Communist Chinese the ability to know what guns you own, as the treaty tracks all ‘end users’ of firearms. While failed basketball player Lebron James and Hollywood...
The moment the news broke earlier this week about a mass shooting in New York City, every gun grabber in America crossed their fingers and hoped for the best. Of course, to these demented people, ‘the best’ would mean that the criminal would end up being a young white...