As you may remember, the Senate Transportation and Public Safety Committee heard our two gun bills last week. The first was S.B. 588, known as the Second Amendment Preservation Act, which would nullify future federal gun control laws that violate the Second...
Support for the Second Amendment Preservation Act (H.B. 1637) is exploding in the Missouri House of Representatives, thanks to the thousands of calls and emails that you have been thundering into the Capitol! As you know, this legislation is designed to protect...
With the hearing over the Second Amendment Preservation Act (SAPA) being delayed last Thursday due to inclement weather, we have more time to urge lawmakers to support this bill. And trust me, we need to do that, fast! As you likely know, SAPA legislation is a...
We knew it was just a matter of time, we just didn’t know who was going to be leading the charge. But if you haven’t already heard, ‘Red Flag Gun Seizure’ legislation has been filed in Jefferson City, and that’s why I hope that you’ll take a moment to oppose...
With the hearing over the Second Amendment Preservation Act (SAPA) being delayed last Thursday due to inclement weather, we have more time to urge lawmakers to support this bill. And trust me, we need to do that, fast! As you likely know, SAPA legislation is a...
I have to admit, my hands were shaking with anger for a few moments after I read the bill. I almost couldn’t believe it! If there was ever any doubt about what the radical gun control crowd in Jeff City wants to do to law abiding gun owners like you and me,...