Thousands of Missourians Have Signed Up – Have You?

Thousands of Missourians Have Signed Up – Have You?

Help stop ‘Red Flag Gun Seizure’ legislation and win a SIG P229 courtesy of the Missouri Firearms Coalition — it doesn’t get much better than that! But as you may have heard, to get as many Missourians as possible involved in this, for another week, everyone who...
Speaker Haahr Caving Under the Pressure – Take Action!

Speaker Haahr Caving Under the Pressure – Take Action!

By now you’ve likely seen the headlines. But in case you didn’t, you need to know that Speaker of the House Elijah Haahr has all but promised to advance some form of gun control next session, giving Bloomberg’s forces in Jeff City exactly what they want! Haahr...
Why is Senator Hawley Brokering a Federal Gun Control Deal?

Why is Senator Hawley Brokering a Federal Gun Control Deal?

I don’t know about you, but I’m getting sick of this. Last week, we reported to you that Republican Speaker of the House, Elijah Haahr, has announced that he will be pushing some form of gun control package next session. If you missed that update, check your inbox for...
We Are Giving Away a SIG P229 to One Missourian!

We Are Giving Away a SIG P229 to One Missourian!

Whether by direct mail, email or social media, thousands of Missourians have signed their petition opposing ‘Red Flag Gun Seizures’ — and have had their name entered to win a SIG P229 from the Missouri Firearms Coalition! As you know, from the US Senate to the...
Gun Control Fight Starts in Two Days!

Gun Control Fight Starts in Two Days!

With the U.S. Senate scheduled to resume session in just two days, gun owners need to be ready to fight with everything they have! After the recent shooting in El Paso, TX (which occurred in a ‘Gun Free Zone’) and Dayton, OH shooting (which occurred after the shooter...
We Are Giving Away a SIG P229 to One Missourian!

Win a SIG P229 from MOFC!

The Presidential election is less than a year and a half away. And gun-grabbers and their pals in the fake news media believe they’re finally set to “cash in” on the pure political poison they’ve been flooding our airwaves with ever since election night of 2016! Even...