Gun Grabbers Want to Destroy the Missouri Firearms Coalition!

Gun Grabbers Want to Destroy the Missouri Firearms Coalition!

Any day now, I expect the certified letter to land in my mailbox, telling me that the Missouri Firearms Coalition is about to be drug into civil court. Fueled by nothing more than a hatred for America and our Second Amendment freedoms, the kind of Bloomberg-backed...
Breaking His Own Rules!

Breaking His Own Rules!

In the wake of President Trump’s recent endorsement of ‘Red Flag Gun Seizure’ legislation, gun owners across the country are stunned. At the same time, gun rights or In the wake of President Trump’s recent endorsement of ‘Red Flag Gun Seizure’ legislation, gun owners...
More Republican Senators Backing ‘Red Flags’ — Act Now!

More Republican Senators Backing ‘Red Flags’ — Act Now!

By now you know that there is an all-out war coming to Washington, D.C. over ‘Red Flag Gun Confiscation’ legislation, in the wake of the Dayton, OH and El Paso, TX shootings. This fight is coming, and it’s coming fast! In fact, in the last three days Republican...
Announcement This Morning

Announcement This Morning

In light of President Trump’s call for ‘Red Flag Gun Seizure’ laws, I have now authorized MOFC staff to re-launch our ‘Stop Red Flag Gun Seizures’ TV and web ad to run across the state of Missouri. The ad (you can watch below) calls on our Senators Roy Blunt and...
Trump Calls for National ‘Red Flag’ Law – Take Action!

Trump Calls for National ‘Red Flag’ Law – Take Action!

It was hard to watch. In case you missed it, at a press conference earlier this morning, President Trump announced his full support for ‘Red Flag Gun Seizure’ legislation in the wake of the Texas and Ohio shootings that took place last weekend. This is the very same...
Gun Grabbers Want to Destroy the Missouri Firearms Coalition!

Gun Grabbers Want to Destroy the Missouri Firearms Coalition!

Any day now, I expect the certified letter to land in my mailbox, telling me that the Missouri Firearms Coalition is about to be drug into civil court. Fueled by nothing more than a hatred for America and our Second Amendment freedoms, the kind of Bloomberg-backed...