What’s at Stake Here in Missouri…

What’s at Stake Here in Missouri…

By now you’ve likely heard about the special deal we are running for the month of July. In celebration of the 4th of July — and the freedoms that we enjoy an Americans –- the Missouri Firearms Coalition has put together a special offer for all new or renewed...
2019 Membership Newsletter Enclosed!

2019 Membership Newsletter Enclosed!

The 2019 legislative session had its ups and downs. We stopped ‘Red Flag Gun Seizure’ legislation and every other gun-control bill, but weak-kneed Republican moderates killed the Second Amendment Preservation Act and every other pro-gun bill! In our annual newsletter,...
Happy Independence Day from the Missouri Firearms Coalition!

Happy Independence Day from the Missouri Firearms Coalition!

Happy Independence Day from the board of directors of the Missouri Firearms Coalition. On this day, 243 years ago, our nation adopted its Declaration of Independence, telling England that we would be a sovereign nation forever more. During the run-up to the 4th of...
Gun Grabbers Trying to Overturn Constitutional Carry!

Gun Grabbers Trying to Overturn Constitutional Carry!

Bloomberg’s forces have declared an all-out war in Jefferson City. With Republican leadership in Jefferson City refusing to put our bill to repeal deadly ‘Gun Free Zones’ on the floor for an up or down vote, Bloomberg’s activists smell fear. And with HUNDREDS of...
Red Flag Gun Seizures Are on the Move in Washington D.C.!

Red Flag Gun Seizures Are on the Move in Washington D.C.!

If you listen hard enough, you can hear Michael Bloomberg laughing from his NYC war-room all the way out here in Missouri. That’s because the US Senate Judiciary Committee just gave Bloomberg and Dianne Feinstein exactly what they wanted -– a public hearing on S.7,...
Campus Carry Moves to the Senate!

Campus Carry Moves to the Senate!

Earlier this week, the Missouri House voted H.B. 575 through for the last time, sending this campus protection bill over to the Senate. Remember, thanks to your activism and the hard work of Rep. Jered Taylor, this legislation contains a ‘Campus Carry’ provision...