Video Update on Gun Bills in Jeff City!

Video Update on Gun Bills in Jeff City!

Last week was a busy one in Jeff City in the fight for gun rights. Between floor action on campus carry, committee hearings on nullification bills, and a committee chair who is still blockading H.B. 258 — there’s a lot to report. That’s why I asked our Policy...
Campus Carry Passes First Vote in the Missouri House!

Campus Carry Passes First Vote in the Missouri House!

Earlier this week, Representative Jered Taylor led a fight on the floor of the Missouri House to add ‘Campus Carry’ to a college campus security bill. As amended, House Bill 575 will allow law abiding gun owners who possess a concealed carry permit to carry on...
Is Senator Hawley Backing Red Flag Gun Seizures?

Is Senator Hawley Backing Red Flag Gun Seizures?

In the wake of the hearing on ‘Red Flag Gun Seizures’ a few days ago in the US Senate Judiciary Committee, gun owners across the state have been calling us in disbelief. That’s because not a single US Senator stood up in opposition to this legislation and fought for...
VIDEO Update on Red Flag Gun Seizure Hearing!

VIDEO Update on Red Flag Gun Seizure Hearing!

With the hearing on ‘Red Flag Gun Seizure’ legislation just days away from kicking off in Washington, D.C., gun owners across the country are furious! Afterall, this hearing is not taking place in the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives at the direction of...
ALERT: New TV / Media Ad Released Statewide

ALERT: New TV / Media Ad Released Statewide

We’ve just released our new ad entitled: “Stop Red Flag Gun Seizures!” The ad encourages Second Amendment supporters to contact Missouri Senators Roy Blunt and Josh Hawley, insisting that they oppose “Red Flag Gun Seizures” (Senate Bill 7)...
Bloomberg’s Forces Attack Gun Bill in Jeff City!

Bloomberg’s Forces Attack Gun Bill in Jeff City!

Earlier today, our bill to rid Missouri of deadly ‘Gun Free Zones’ was heard in the House General Laws Committee. If you were able to join me in Jeff City and testify in support of our right to keep and bear arms, thank you! If you weren’t, you may not know that...