Moments after the U.S. Senate gaveled in Thursday, Florida Republican Senator Little Marco Rubio introduced Senate Bill 7 — ‘Red Flag Gun Seizure’ legislation. This is the fight I’ve warned about for months, and now it’s finally here. In...
It’s game time for gun owners! Nancy Pelosi’s war against gun owners is officially underway, as the 116th United States Congress kicked off about an hour ago in Washington D.C. And let me tell you, Pelosi has vowed to make passage of radical gun control a major...
Merry Christmas from all of us here at the Missouri Firearms Coalition, we hope that you have a great day with your family and friends! We mention family often in our emails and direct mail updates to our members because that’s the whole point of the Missouri Firearms...
I take no great pleasure in writing this email. But it’s an email I have to write, to prepare you for the coming onslaught of ‘Red Flag Gun Seizure’ legislation not only here in Missouri — but across the country. ‘Red Flag Gun Seizure’ legislation would...
As we fight to make sure that not a single gun control bill makes any progress in the upcoming legislative session, the Missouri Firearms Coalition is going to do all we can to finally rid Missouri of deadly ‘Gun Free Zones!’ As a reminder, we have over a dozen...
It’s worse than I even suspected. For weeks we’ve been warning you about a gun-control attack being waged in Missouri via ‘Red Flag Gun Seizure Orders.’ Of course, this is the legislation that lets a judge order your firearms to be seized based on the unproven claim...