The Top 10 List Claire McCaskill Hopes You Never See!

The Top 10 List Claire McCaskill Hopes You Never See!

For twelve long years, gun owners in Missouri have heard Claire McCaskill tell us how much she supports the Second Amendment. We have all heard her stories, of how she grew up hunting with her father and how that shaped her respect of the Second Amendment. Or, that’s...
SIG P229 Winner Is…

SIG P229 Winner Is…

As you know, the Missouri Firearms Coalition recently asked our members to sign our ‘Second Amendment Turnout Pledge,’ promising to support only pro-gun candidates in the upcoming elections. Everyone who signed their pledge, whether online or through the mail, was...


As you head out to the polls today, we wanted to make sure you remembered to only vote for candidates who are willing to FIGHT for the Second Amendment. While Missouri has many candidates who claim to be pro-gun on the campaign path, many of them fall apart once...
Video Update on SIG P229 Giveaway!

Video Update on SIG P229 Giveaway!

By now you’ve likely heard about the SIG P229 giveaway that the Missouri Firearms Coalition is doing. But just in case you have missed out on this, I’ve asked our Policy Advisor, Aaron Dorr, to produce this video update for you. You can watch that video right here!...
Stand and Fight and Win a SIG P229!

Stand and Fight and Win a SIG P229!

As the fake news media spews lies day-in and day-out, they’re dumping fuel on the anti-gun Left’s hatred for everything America stands for. While the Left launches destructive riots, shoots cops in unprovoked attacks – and even recently attempted to shoot up President...