Don’t Let Them Kill It!

                May 1, 2018  BILLIONAIRE anti-gun activist Michael Bloomberg must be grinning from ear to ear . . . Even after passing Missouri’s “Gun Free Zone” Repeal Bill (H.B. 1936) through both the House Rules and General Laws Committees, “pro-Second Amendment”...

In a Coma for Over a Week!

  On April 8, a 66-yr-old man was headed home on the MetroLink minding his own business. That’s when 27-yr-old Dominique Hightower attacked the older man and beat him so bad that the victim has been hospitalized almost two weeks. News reports indicate that the...

We Are Running Out of Time!

We are running out of time to end ‘Gun Free Zones’ here in Missouri, and I need your help. As you know, Missouri is just covered with areas where you and I cannot carry a firearm for self-defense. And as we have seen in the news over and over, these are exactly the...
House Leadership Needs to Hear from You Now!

House Leadership Needs to Hear from You Now!

I need you to send an email, right away. Our Political Director, Alexandra Salsman, is being told by many lawmakers in Jeff City that the House is trying to find a way to bury H.B. 1936! I don’t know about you, but I think this is absolutely unacceptable. The...
Assault Weapons Ban!

Assault Weapons Ban!

Emboldened by the passage of the Feinstein-pushed FIX-NICS bill, the radical gun-grabbers in Washington D.C. are trying to keep the momentum going! Their next goal: banning so called ‘assault weapons.’ In fact, Senator Feinstein’s newly filed Assault Weapons Ban would...
Pro-Gun Bill Passes Rules Committee!

Pro-Gun Bill Passes Rules Committee!

Great news! Thanks to your calls and emails, the House Rules Committee passed H.B. 1936 this afternoon by a vote of 8–3! I can’t tell you enough just how crucial your grassroots activism was in making this happen. After the massive gun control rallies that took place...