As the fake news media spews lies day-in and day-out, they’re dumping fuel on the anti-gun Left’s hatred for everything America stands for. While the Left launches destructive riots, shoots cops in unprovoked attacks, and even attempts to assassinate Members of...
Apparently Michael Bloomberg can’t take the hint that his NYC gun control is not wanted here in Missouri. Still sore over the political shellacking they received from the Missouri Firearms Coalition last year when we passed Constitutional Carry legislation,...
If you’ve been watching the news lately, you have heard about the public safety scandal involving the St. Louis MetroLink and the county sheriff’s officers assigned to protect it. From covering up cameras in the break room to reporting for duty when on the other side...
“I NEED one of those shirts, my friend just got one in the mail yesterday and I simply NEED one for an upcoming family event.” So said MOFC’s newest member when he emailed us yesterday looking to pick up his FREE MOFC T-Shirt. In case you forgot, in celebration of...
Happy Independence Day from the board of directors of the Missouri Firearms Coalition! On this day, 241 years ago, our nation adopted its Declaration of Independence, telling England that we would be a sovereign nation forever more. During the run-up to the 4th of...
As a supporter of the Missouri Firearms Coalition, I wanted you to be among the first to know that we have just received 25,000 new membership decals in the office. The best part –- we’re giving them away for free! These decals are an excellent way for you to show...