Legislative Session Begins Today in Jeff City – Take Action!

Legislative Session Begins Today in Jeff City – Take Action!

In two days, the 2020 legislative session will kick off in Jeff City, meaning our fight to defend and expand our Second Amendment rights just went into high gear! And while it’s only the first week of the new session, I need you to take immediate action so that...
Don’t Let Your Membership Run Out!

Don’t Let Your Membership Run Out!

Our fight to pass the Second Amendment Preservation Act — not to mention defeating the mountain of gun control bills that radical socialists are filing in Jeff City — starts in just two weeks. With Republican Speaker of the House Elijah Haahr waving the...
Don’t Let Your Membership Run Out!

Help Me Fight for Your Gun Rights in Jeff City Next Session!

I sure hope that you haven’t given up on defending our Second Amendment freedoms here in Missouri… I’m asking because Dr. Curt Frazier, Chairman of the Missouri Firearms Coalition and a good friend of mine, told me that he hasn’t received your membership renewal...
Stand With Us and Fight for the Second Amendment!

Stand With Us and Fight for the Second Amendment!

Thank you for signing up to receive free Second Amendment updates from the Missouri Firearms Coalition, Missouri’s most effective gun rights organization! Formed in the summer of 2015, the members of the Missouri Firearms Coalition led the charge in Jefferson City...
Missouri Reps’ Clay and Cleaver Want to Put You in Prison!

Missouri Reps’ Clay and Cleaver Want to Put You in Prison!

With the 2020 legislative session right around the corner, much of our attention will be focused on the fight for gun rights in Jeff City for the next few months. But in the meantime, we can’t forget about what’s going on in Washington, D.C. as the radical gun control...
Speaker Haahr Caving Under the Pressure – Take Action!

Speaker Haahr Caving Under the Pressure – Take Action!

By now you’ve likely seen the headlines. But in case you didn’t, you need to know that Speaker of the House Elijah Haahr has all but promised to advance some form of gun control next session, giving Bloomberg’s forces in Jeff City exactly what they want! Haahr...