With just weeks to go until Election Day, it looks like we’re in for a doozy. Not just nationally — as polls for the most hotly contested State House and Senate races all across Missouri are separated by razor thin margins. Missouri’s entire State Legislature –...
I need your help. With Governor Eric Greitens’ resignation, the left’s war against President Trump, and the media’s overt cheerleading for the gun-grabbers to sweep to victory in November, it’s looking more and more like our backs are against the wall this election...
If you’ve watched any of the hearings about Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the US Supreme Court, you know that Dianne Feinstein and her allies hate Kavanaugh because of his previous pro-gun decisions. His dissent in the Washington D.C. gun ban case while on...
For twelve years now, Claire McCaskill has waged war on the Second Amendment and gun owners here in Missouri. From backing Obama’s attempts to subjugate our gun rights to the whims of 3rd world dictators via the U.N. Small Arms Treaty, to pushing for Diane Feinstein’s...
Any day now, I expect a loud knock at my door. A slick anti-gun government lawyer — armed with trumped-up legal complaints from Michael Bloomberg-backed gun control organizations — will be grinning from ear-to-ear as he tells me, “SEE YOU IN COURT!” When I...
Michael Bloomberg is probably smiling from ear to ear right now in NYC, as he plots his new strategy of attacking our Second Amendment freedoms in Missouri. That’s because the support for ‘Red Flag Gun Seizure’ legislation continues to grow — being sold as a...