With the 2018 mid-term elections just two and a half months away, things are heating up here in Missouri as Claire McCaskill desperately tries to run away from her record! Having been one of the most anti-gun partisan lawmakers in D.C. for years, McCaskill would now...
As you head out to the polls today, we wanted to make sure you remembered to only vote for candidates who are willing to FIGHT for the Second Amendment. While Missouri has many candidates who claim to be pro-gun on the campaign path, many of them fall apart once...
“I NEED one of those shirts, my friend just got one in the mail yesterday and said it’s the most comfortable shirt he’s ever had. Send me one!” So said MOFC’s newest member when he called our office yesterday looking to pick up his FREE MOFC T-Shirt and decal. In case...
As the fake news media spews lies day-in and day-out, they’re dumping fuel on the anti-gun Left’s hatred for everything America stands for. While the Left launches destructive riots, shoots cops in unprovoked attacks – and even recently attempted to shoot up President...
The gun-grabbers smell blood in the water here in Missouri. And Governor Eric Greitens’ recent resignation is only one reason why . . . After shocking the political world in late 2016 by passing both Constitutional Carry and Stand-Your-Ground over Governor Jay Nixon’s...
The gun-grabbers smell blood in the water here in Missouri. And Governor Eric Greitens’ recent resignation is only one reason why . . . After shocking the political world in late 2016 by passing both Constitutional Carry and Stand-Your-Ground over Governor Jay Nixon’s...