Gun Bill Hearing Set for TOMORROW!

Gun Bill Hearing Set for TOMORROW!

We have some great news to report, and we need your help! Thanks in no small measure to all of your calls and emails, H.B. 1936 has been scheduled for a hearing THIS WEDNESDAY! Now the hard part begins. In case you missed our video that we posted on our Facebook page...
Bloomberg Funded War in Missouri!

Bloomberg Funded War in Missouri!

“This is crazy! I never thought I’d live to see so many people in Missouri fighting to destroy the Second Amendment. I need to become a member now!” That’s what John, from Kirksville, told us over the phone last night as many of you have contacted us about the massive...
Attack in Maryland!

Attack in Maryland!

Tuesday morning the Fake News, anti-gun lawmakers, and gun control groups were jumping up and down as another school shooting was playing out on national TV. Like all of the shootings before it, gun grabbers were hoping to use the news of the Maryland school shooting...
Now’s Just Not a Good Time…

Now’s Just Not a Good Time…

“With all that’s going on, now is just not a good time to advance a pro-gun bill…” This is the phrase that MOFC staff are hearing all too often in the Capitol right now, as we work to make sure that ‘Gun Free Zones’ are eliminated here in Missouri. Frankly, it...
The Gun Rights Battle is Raging!

The Gun Rights Battle is Raging!

Everywhere you look — from the State Capitol in Jefferson City to the White House in D.C. — politicians are banging the drums for gun control. The only force capable of stopping the destruction of our Second Amendment rights are grassroots gun rights...
Gun Bill Advances to House Rules Committee!

Gun Bill Advances to House Rules Committee!

Yesterday was a huge day for the Missouri Firearms Coalition as H.B. 1936, our bill to repeal deadly ‘Gun Free Zones,’ passed the first committee by a vote of 8-4! Committee members told MOFC staff that they had received hundreds of emails in support of this bill –-...