It’s Getting Bad in Jeff City!

It’s Getting Bad in Jeff City!

If you are a gun owner who is assuming that this gun control fever sweeping the country won’t affect you here in Missouri — we have bad news for you. That’s because yesterday, the Missouri House General Laws Committee heard a variety of gun control bills in...

It Starts in Just a Few Hours!

To say that things in Jeff City are a hot mess right now is an understatement. With the Governor indicted and arrested last week, lawmakers seem to be in a daze as they try to figure out what to do with the rest of the legislative session. Last week, hundreds of...
Stand-Your-Ground Law Under Attack in Jeff City!

Stand-Your-Ground Law Under Attack in Jeff City!

If you ever wanted to know how emboldened the gun-grabbers are about their political prospects in 2018, State Rep. Pete Merideth’s brand new bill, H.B. 1733, will floor you. Under this legislation, Missouri’s Constitutional Carry Law — which you and I fought so...
Gun Bill Moves to the General Laws Committee! Take Action!

Gun Bill Moves to the General Laws Committee! Take Action!

While we work to defeat Rep. Pete Merideth’s bill to repeal both Constitutional Carry and Stand-Your-Ground law, we have exciting developments on H.B. 1936. This is the bill that Rep. Jered Taylor has introduced for us, that would repeal over a dozen deadly ‘Gun Free...
It’s Getting Bad in Jeff City!

Stand-Your-Ground Law Under Attack!

If you ever wanted to know how emboldened the gun-grabbers are about their political prospects in 2018, State Rep. Pete Merideth’s brand new bill, H.B. 1733, will floor you. Under this legislation, Missouri’s Constitutional Carry Law — which you and I fought so...
Will Your Representative Stand Up for Gun Rights?

Will Your Representative Stand Up for Gun Rights?

I need you to contact your State Representative right away! After working so hard for weeks on our bill to repeal the deadly ‘Gun Free Zones’ that force you to disarm in dozens of locations here in Missouri — the bill is ready for cosponsors! Below, I’ll tell...