Where Do YOU Want Us to Fight in 2018?

Where Do YOU Want Us to Fight in 2018?

With the 2018 session of the Missouri General Assembly right around the corner, I’ve been up virtually all night putting the finishing touches on the Missouri Firearms Coalitions’ program strategy for the coming year. But there’s something I have to tell you. After...
The Legislature is Underway in Jefferson City!

The Legislature is Underway in Jefferson City!

Moments ago, the gavel fell on the start of the 2018 legislative session here in Jeff City! MOFC’s Political Director, Alexandra Salsman, was on hand, already hard at work finalizing legislation with Rep. Jered Taylor, our bill sponsor for this session. Our main goal...
We’re Counting on You!

We’re Counting on You!

I’m getting very worried. According to my records, you haven’t yet renewed your Missouri Firearms Coalition membership for 2018. I know we’ve tried to get in touch with you a few times now. If you have already renewed your support for 2018, and our records simply...
One Week!

One Week!

I know that many of you are still in the midst of Christmas celebrations with family and friends, but I hope that you can take a moment to read this update. You see, we are only a week away from the start of the 2018 legislative session in Jefferson City! As you know,...
Announcing 2018 Bill Sponsor!

Announcing 2018 Bill Sponsor!

The start of the 2018 legislative session is less than two weeks away, meaning that our fight to end deadly ‘Gun Free Zones’ is about to kick into high gear. And that’s why I am so pleased to announce that we are going to be working with Rep. Jered Taylor this year as...