Senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal Needs to be Held Accountable!

“I HOPE PRESIDENT TRUMP IS ASSASSINATED!” With that Facebook post advocating the unthinkable, Democrat State Senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal (D-University City) sent shockwaves not only through Missouri, but also nationwide. This anti-gun State Senator who led the floor...

Enter to Win a Sig Sauer P229!

As the fake news media spews lies day-in and day-out, they’re dumping fuel on the anti-gun Left’s hatred for everything America stands for. While the Left launches destructive riots, shoots cops in unprovoked attacks, and even attempts to assassinate Members of...
Bloomberg Front-Group Uses Lies and Fear Mongering to Advance Agenda

MetroLink Scandal Highlights Need to Repeal “Gun Free Zones!”

If you’ve been watching the news lately, you have heard about the public safety scandal involving the St. Louis MetroLink and the county sheriff’s officers assigned to protect it. From covering up cameras in the break room to reporting for duty when on the other side...
KC Church Shooting Happened in “Gun Free Zone!”

KC Church Shooting Happened in “Gun Free Zone!”

When Kansas City resident, Montell Bruce, went to church last Sunday, he likely had no idea that he was about to be the victim of a shooting in a state-mandated “Gun Free Zone.” Bruce, a greeter at the House of Refuge Family Worship Church, was at his post when an...

The 2017 Legislative Session Ends in Jefferson City

Friday night, the 2017 legislative session came to a close here in Jefferson City. Sadly, despite months of work from grassroots gun owners like you and me, so–called “Gun Free Zones” remain the law here in Missouri. Thanks to all of your calls, emails, trips to the...