They Turned Out the Lights on Us!

Tuesday night was a long one in Jeff City and the legislature was working almost non-stop on their budget bill. Initially the 4pm committee hearing on HB630, our bill to repeal the dozens of deadly ‘Gun Free Zones’ in Missouri, was delayed until 7pm. Later it was...

You Only Have 6 Hours!

At 4pm today, the House General Laws Committee will be taking up HB 630, meaning you have time to contact the committee one last time! I hope you will, it’s urgent. This legislation would simply remove the dozens of deadly ‘Gun Free Zones’ that exist in Missouri code...

Committee Vote on “Gun Free Zone” Repeal Taking Place TOMORROW!

It’s going down tomorrow! Tomorrow afternoon the House General Laws Committee will be holding hearings on House Bill 630, our legislation to repeal deadly ‘Gun Free Zones’ here in Missouri! And let me tell you, the pressure here in Jeff City is mounting, as anti-gun...
Pro-Gun Bill Passes Sub-Committee!

Pro-Gun Bill Passes Sub-Committee!

Earlier today the House Sub-Committee passed House Bill 630 through the committee with a “Do Pass” recommendation thanks to your calls and emails to the committee. Thank you! Even better, the bill was not weakened with any amendments. The bill now moves on to the...
Pro-Gun Bill Passes Sub-Committee!

Committee Vote on HB630 This Tuesday?!

I’ve got some great news. I just got off the phone with our Political Director, Alexandra Salsman, who informed me that the Second Amendment Sub-Committee will likely being voting on our bill this coming Tuesday! Of course, this means that you need to contact the...

Bloomberg Threatens Gun Bill in Jeff City!

Thank you! Last week, as MOFC staff testified in support of HB630 in the House’s newly-formed Second Amendment Committee, it was obvious that this committee has been hearing from you! While anti-gun legislators did their best to try to paint this bill as reckless and...