Missouri Passes Constitutional Carry — You Did It!

Missouri Passes Constitutional Carry — You Did It!

‘There is no way you’ll ever pass Constitutional Carry in Missouri in one year — Bloomberg will block you, the minority party will filibuster you, and the media will annihilate you. It can’t be done.’ That’s what one Capitol insider in Jefferson City told us...
Today is the Day – Stand Up for the 2nd Amendment!

Today is the Day – Stand Up for the 2nd Amendment!

Today is the day. Our nine month fight to advance Constitutional Carry legislation here in Missouri all comes down to today! Thanks to all of your calls, emails, and Facebook messages to your Representative and Senator during the 2016 legislative session,...

One Week From Now!

“This is too close to call, pressure is mounting on both sides of the issue, it’s going to come down to the wire.” That’s what one Capitol insider told me this morning about the vote next week to override Governor Nixon’s faulty veto of Constitutional Carry...
All Eyes on Missouri!

All Eyes on Missouri!

Things are starting to heat up in advance of the 1-day ‘Override Session’ that is slated to take place on September 14. That’s when the legislature will decide whether or not to override Governor Nixon’s veto of Constitutional Carry legislation. Insiders are...
Which Gubernatorial Candidate Supports the 2nd Amendment?

Which Gubernatorial Candidate Supports the 2nd Amendment?

Who will be replacing Governor Jay Nixon? That’s the question on everyone’s mind as Summer steadily heads towards Fall. Before we can answer that question, we need to determine who the two nominees will be. Both parties are engaged in very active...
Help Us Override the Governor’s Veto Now!

Help Us Override the Governor’s Veto Now!

“As Governor of Missouri, I support the agenda of Michael Bloomberg, and I stand with him, a resident of New York, and am doing his bidding by vetoing Constitutional Carry legislation today. It doesn’t matter to me that this bill passed with a massive super-majority...