Statement on Orlando

Statement on Orlando

Like all of you, I watched the news coming out of Orlando last weekend with a pit in my stomach. 50 dead. Even more than that wounded. As an ER physician with more than 3 decades of experience, I can imagine the overwhelming amount of pressure placed on the first...
Two Days Left to Pass Constitutional Carry!

Two Days Left to Pass Constitutional Carry!

“This is going to come down to the wire. Bloomberg’s hitting them on the TV, but gun owners are hammering back and flooding their offices with calls and emails – it could go either way.” This is what I was just told by one of my sources in the Capitol, as the battle...
Anti-Gun Activist Michael Bloomberg on the Ground in Missouri!

Anti-Gun Activist Michael Bloomberg on the Ground in Missouri!

We’re down to the wire in Jefferson City — and we need your immediate action! As we’ve been warning about for months, NYC billionaire Michael Bloomberg kicked off a statewide TV ad campaign TODAY, trying to kill Constitutional Carry legislation and force you to...
Missouri: Constitutional Carry Alive in the Senate!

Missouri: Constitutional Carry Alive in the Senate!

Thanks to your hard work, the pressure is at an all-time high in Jefferson City! First off, Constitutional Carry legislation (HB 1468) is still active in the Senate Committee and awaiting a vote, and we’re hearing first hand reports of how many calls, emails, and...
Constitutional Carry Vote Delayed – Crank Up the Heat!

Constitutional Carry Vote Delayed – Crank Up the Heat!

Things are hectic here in Jefferson City, as we’re down to the final few days of the 2016 legislative session. I’ll be blunt, we need your help! Here’s what we know. The Senate Transportation, Infrastructure, and Public Safety Committee was going to...