šŸ˜”This National Gun Group Gave Tim Walz an A!

It struck me as I skimmed an article in ā€œThe Guardianā€ about how Kamala Harrisā€™ pick for VP, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, went from being NRA-endorsed to leading the Radical Leftā€™s war against gun rights in America, that there used to be a time in America when betraying your country was dealt with swiftly and severely.

Benedict Arnold is an obvious example.

On September 20, 1780, Benedict Arnold was probably the most celebrated combat general in the entire Continental army, famous for his campaigns at Ticonderoga and Saratoga.

But three days later on September 23, 1780, when Arnold was discovered to have made a deal with British spy chief John Andre to surrender the strategic fort at West Point to the British, he became the most hunted man in the Colonies.

As payment for selling out his country, George Washington did everything in his power to hunt Arnold down and bring him to justice, even ordering theĀ Marquis de LafayetteĀ to hang Arnold outright if he was ever caught.

Today, sadly, betraying your country is how politicians get ahead.

Turning on the very voters who elected you in the first place is how a scoundrel politician can go from a do-nothing liar to being considered for the 2ndĀ most powerful position in the world.

Tim Walz is a perfect example of this.

Walzā€™ political career took off in Minnesotaā€™s extremely rural Congressional District 1, where he honed his ā€œaww shucksā€ schtick and learned how to lie and con everyone around him into believing he was just like them.

He never was.

But every betrayer has a list of accomplices, and tops on Walzā€™ list is the National Rifle Association.

You see, I grew up about fifteen minutes south of Worthington, Minnesota. I spent my summers listening to Minnesota Twins baseball, walking beans, baling hay and swimming at the lake in Worthington.

And I can tell you without question that Tim Walz NEVER deserved to be ā€œendorsedā€ by the National Rifle Association.

He never carried legislation. He was never a real ā€œblue-dog Democrat.ā€ He never fought against the Democrat Partyā€™s attacks on gun owners. He never lifted a finger for anything other than his own career.

And yet there the NRA was endorsing him, giving Walz the political cover he needed in a state like Minnesota to keep ascending the ladder of power, stupidly trying to prove to the liberals and fake news that the NRA had friends on ā€œboth sides of the aisle.ā€

Because they helped empower him, Walz now has a record of passing some of the nastiest gun-control laws in America, and heā€™s at least in the running to be enemy #1 to American gun owners.

It begs the question: ā€œsince the NRA helped put Walz in power, did they spend millions on public campaigns to defeat his gun-control push in 2021, 2022 and 2023?ā€

No, they did not.

Instead of going public and unloading their millions to try to undo their damage and STOP Walzā€™ gun-control from passing in Minnesota, the NRA folded up, sent out a few emails, and called it a day.

Hereā€™s the point: politicians virtually never get MORE conservative or MORE freedom-minded when they get into power.

99.99% of the time, they get worse, they get more liberal, more tempted by power and thus more corrupted.

The Missouri Firearms Coalition has worked with legislators in the past ā€“ and we will work with legislators in the future ā€“ that become key players in our goals to defeat gun-control and advance gun-rights bills in Jefferson City.

But nobody gets a free pass from the Missouri Firearms Coalition. Not ever.

No matter what theyā€™ve done, no matter what legislation theyā€™ve sponsored, no matter what bills they voted for, no matter how long weā€™ve known them, the Missouri Firearms Coalition exists to work for our members, NOT self-serving politicians.

Our promise to you our members is simple: if one of the legislators we work with ever turns their back on and betrays gun owners, weā€™ll do everything in our power to expose them for the Benedict Arnolds they became and pay a huge political price for every inch they try to take from us.

America was bought and paid for because our Founding Fathers would not compromise.

This is the way.

For Missouri,

Aaron Dorr
Political Director
Missouri Firearms Coalition

P.S.Ā If youā€™re not a member, what are you waiting for? Join us TODAY!

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