Travel bans. Empty store shelves. State of emergency declarations. State/counties ending concealed carry permit applications. If there was ever a doubt in your mind as to why it is essential that Missouri pass the Second Amendment Preservation Act, I trust the news of the last few days has answered that question for you, once and for all. While it’s hard to separate prudent preparation from mass panic on the part of the public, it’s clear that people are very alarmed about the impact of the Coronavirus. Last week, Governor Parson declared a state of emergency, allowing him to tap into millions of dollars of additional funding to address the Coronavirus. Right now it’s anyone’s guess on whether or not Governor Parson will do what Iowa and a growing number of states have done: forcing restaurants, bars, gyms, theaters, casinos, senior centers, and any gathering of more than ten people, to shut down. What we haven’t seen as of today, is any public statements by government entities here in Missouri about trying to restrict the Second Amendment rights of Missourians. But that may change. In Champaign, Il., Mayor Feinen is trying to make it a crime to buy a firearm while the city is under a disaster declaration. In New Orleans, Mayor LaToya Cantrell has already signed an ordinance banning the sale or transportation of firearms, under the guise of their disaster declaration! (New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell just signed an order banning the sale or transportation of firearms in New Orleans, using the Coronavirus as justification.) Many other jurisdictions are considering the same thing right now, as the national reaction to the Coronavirus heats up. And that’s why it’s essential that Missouri legislators pass the Second Amendment Preservation Act (SAPA)! You see, SAPA legislation was designed for little tyrants like Mayor Cantrell and her ilk, who are always looking for ways to attack our right to keep and bear arms under the guise of a crisis. SAPA legislation would prevent that, here in Missouri, in the same way that it would prevent federal gun control from being enforced in our state. As you likely heard from us earlier in the week, the Senate version of this legislation (S.B. 588) was destroyed at the hands of the Missouri Senate Transportation and Public Safety Committee. But in the House, this legislation (H.B. 1637) is still alive. The bill passed out of the House General Laws Committee last week, and is currently in the House Rules Committee. Of course, every day that passes makes it harder to see this legislation signed into law this year. The Senate is out for the rest of this week due to the Coronavirus, and both chambers are out for Spring Break next week. So we need to act fast. Don’t forget, despite our massive ‘pro-gun majorities,’ the Missouri legislature has killed every single gun bill that has been filed in Jeff City for the last four years in a row! This is an election year. Make sure your legislator knows that you expect action from him this session, if he hopes to earn your vote in the primary and general election. For Missouri, ![]() Aaron Dorr P.S. Little dictators in states across the country are trying to ban the sale and transportation of firearms, under the guise of the Coronavirus. This only highlights the need for the Second Amendment Preservation Act, which would make it a crime for government agents to enforce gun laws that violate the 2nd Amendment or the Missouri Constitution. To become a member of the Missouri Firearms Coalition, go here.
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