For the last four years, Missouri State Representative Jered Taylor has been the state’s leading voice for the Second Amendment and proud gun owners like you and me.
The left hates him.
The moderates hate him.
Sleazy lobbyists hate him.
And that’s why they are happy to have radical leftist Darlene Graham running against him, because she’s an outright enemy of our right to keep and bear arms!
As you just heard, Darlene Graham is a radical leftist who hates gun owners and the Second Amendment and who will actively fight to advance gun control legislation in Jeff City.
You and I know this, but we need to make sure that every gun owner in this district has the facts they need to make an informed decision this fall.
It would be a major mistake for you to just tune this out if you don’t live in or around Springfield, as the outcome of this situation has major implications where our gun rights are concerned.
As I said earlier, Jered Taylor is the leader of the pro-gun forces in the House of Representatives, and the radical left hopes to hammer away at him because of that — because they want to silence his voice for our gun rights forever!
We must stand up and fight back, by exposing Darlene Graham’s hatred for gun owners and the Second Amendment.
Thanks to your incredible generosity earlier this year, the Missouri Firearms Coalition had the resources to go ‘all in’ as we exposed the anti-gun records of moderates like Kathy Swan, Jack Bondon, David Cole and many others.
We did this using radio ads, digital ads, direct mail and more.
And once we exposed their record of backing gun control, educated gun owners tossed every single one of those anti-gun moderates out of office!
But, to be blunt, MOFC spent every dime we raised to implement this program and a whole lot more, and frankly, after we set aside the funds that we are going to need to fight for gun owners next session, we need help to expose Darlene Graham.
If you can afford to give $250 or even $500, now is the time.
Our country is under attack from radical leftists who want to destroy what makes our country the best nation on earth.
We must expose these people for who they are.
For Missouri,

Aaron Dorr
Political Director
Missouri Firearms Coalition
P.S. The Missouri Firearms Coalition has released its first digital ad of the 2020 General Election cycle, highlighting Darlene Graham’s radical gun-control agenda!
Then please make an urgent donation to make sure that MOFC has the resources we need to expose anti-gun moderates like this all over our state!